I’ve spent years training the art of merging story and mechanics, and some projects that I worked on start to finish that feature my creative work in multiple capacities. As a student and indie tabletop game designer, I performed all stages of the design process, from gameplay to art direction to graphic design. Games I created and self-published include Izayaka Ascent, where players take on the roles of competing bar hostesses seeking favour with a variety of suitors and inspired by the 1960 Japanese drama film When a Woman Ascends the Stairs, Transcendent, a role-playing board game about transgender superheroes,Valley’s End, an asymmetric two-player game about a city developer and a ferret, and FRIGID, a semi-competitive bluffing role-playing game about being cold and afraid and alone.

Suitor Playmat from Izayaka Ascent


Character Playmat from Transcendent


Narrative Design: RPGs and LARPs


Marketing & PR: Montana Democrats